Happy Holidays: My WishList LEGOS

This holiday season my baby is 16 years old. Instead of looking for the perfect gift for my kids at Toys 'R Us, I am more likely going to find it at Best Buy. Toys have made way for Gadgets. But for me Christmas time is all about the toys. 

I grew up loving the movie Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. In this movie Rudolph feels like an outcast and finds himself on the island of misfit toys. I loved all those toys - especially the misfit toys.

The only thing I love more than toys at Christmas is decorating the living room for Christmas. Oh heck, who am I kidding, I love it all:
  • Christmas toys
  • Christmas music
  • Christmas decorating
  • Christmas cookies
  • the Advent calendar
  • the Advent wreath
  • the smell of Christmas in the house
  • Christmas movies
A couple of years ago the LEGO catalog found its way to my desk and I found the Winter Village. I started my collection of Winter Village themed LEGOs and now we build that village on the buffet table every December. There is a post office, town gazebo, house, outdoor market, igloo, and a variety of cars, sleds, and people. It is super whimsical and tons of fun. When we got the first set I thought it was a little silly because my kids are older and don't play with LEGOs really anymore. But every year we have fun putting it all back together and making our little Winter Village even more festive.

This year on my Wishlist is Santa's Workshop.

I mean, seriously, how adorable is that!

So if you are wondering what to give that special person on your Christmas list this year you may want to consider LEGO's (even if that special person is not a kid anymore just a kid at heart).

This series of posts about my Christmas Wishlist is 100% unsponsored - no products in exchange for a review just the toys and gifts that I love and adore and that make me super happy during the holidays.
