Celebrating the Whale

You know I love Twitter.

@maryheston is where you can find me and find my personal tweets on Technology, Travel, Family, Gaming, all things internet with an occasional glass of wine.

@wiredmom is where you will find me talking about internet safety and families connecting through technology.

I can also be found around twitter on several other accounts too.

But on occassion Twitter gets overloaded and then you have to face the fail whale.

So it seems only appropriate to celebrate the Whale while we celebrate Herman Melville's birthday today!

Before Whale Songs from the San Juan islands there was Ahab.  Herman Melville is really the one who made whales famous.

"There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath" Herman Melville
Happy Birthday Herman

Here's to navigating smooth Internet waters and whale-less Tweets!
