February 2nd is the day when Punxsutawney Phil declares whether we are going to have six more weeks of winter. Legend has it that if on this day he emerges from his underground home to see his shadow then there will be more winter in store for us all. This year will mark Phil's 127th prognostication.
According to Groundhog.com Phil is correct 100% of the time. Other internet sites track Phil's accuracy at around 39% of the time.
Here is a clip from the 2012 festivities on Gobbler's Knob
Some of our all time favorite movie lines OF ALL TIME have come from this movie and are repeated often around our house:
According to Groundhog.com Phil is correct 100% of the time. Other internet sites track Phil's accuracy at around 39% of the time.
Here is a clip from the 2012 festivities on Gobbler's Knob
We like to celebrate Groundhogs Day by watching the movie Groundhogs Day.
We could watch it over and over and over again - which is a good thing because that is basically what the movie is about - one day happening over and over again.
Some of our all time favorite movie lines OF ALL TIME have come from this movie and are repeated often around our house:
- (If someone in the house drops something then someone is sure to say) "Just put that anywhere, pal!"
- (In response to whether we have something that someone is looking for) "Oh, no (laughing) there wouldn't be any today"
- (In response to an uncomfortable situation) "How 'bout some flapjacks! Too early for flapjacks?"
- And of course "I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace"
There are just too many good lines from this movie - but those are the ones that come up in our conversation on a regular basis. Of course we all do look a bit mental when we are saying lines from Groundhogs day or Princess Bride (other most quotable movie) and the people around us have no idea what we're talking about. That's when you look at them and just say;
"Watch out for that last step. It's a doooozy".
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