One of my favorite all time Christmas movies is ELF.
One great way to watch Christmas movies is by streaming them online through Amazon Prime Instant Video. They have a great selection of videos that you can watch for free with your Amazon Prime membership. I love the membership for it's free shipping but now that they have also added movies as a membership benefit I am hooked.
ABC Family Channel has a nice line-up of holiday movies this year and so does the Hallmark channel although not every cable service delivers up these channels. A few years ago we watched Lifetime Television every night during their Falalala Lifetime Christmas movie marathon. But it seems like they played more of their Christmas movies this year before Thanksgiving which I don't understand at all.
One of my favorite scenes in Elf is when he is eating with his new family and begins pouring syrup on his spaghetti. The mom asks him if he likes sugar. "Does syrup have sugar in it?" "Yes" "THEN YES!". That scene cracks me up every time.
Netflix is another place to get fun Christmas movies on demand. This does require a membership fee of about $10 a month. Compared with the Amazon Prime membership of $79 annually this is a little high but Netflix has been adding its own line of shows like House of Cards that people have become addicted to. So you really have to decide what works for your family.
What wasn't working for our family was connecting to our Netflix through our Playstation game box. It worked great except when the kids would take the Playstation from the livingroom to the playroom and we were left without connectivity. AGH. We love our Playstation but didn't want to buy a new one until we could get the PS4 (which we haven't been able to get in the meantime).
So, to work around the Playstation dilemma my hubby got a Roku so that we could connect our TV with Internet services like Netflix or Amazon prime regardless of where the Playstation device was sitting. Now we have the Roku sitting just underneath the TV and it is Fantastic! I do actually love it so far. It is tiny and works as advertised. But the feature I wasn't expecting but now don't want to ever live without is the personal viewing feature. You can plug your headphones into the Roku Remote and listen to the show you are watching from the privacy of your own headset. This is great if you want to stay up late and watch a movie but everyone else is going to sleep. Or when we have a game going on in the dining room and we are playing Christmas music the noise from the TV in the adjoining room doesn't interfere with the festivities. LOVING THIS.
Now what to do with all the remotes...
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